Engineering Services Explained

Elevation Engineering & Design


Mechanical engineering is becoming more and more required as the local jurisdictions are becoming more strict with the building codes. Right now in the city of Gatlinburg, if you have an interior pool room, you have to have a mechanical engineering plan created by a licensed engineer.

Elevation Engineering & Design does those specifically for pool rooms. We also if you fall into the larger higher occupancy cabins, they do require a full HVAC, mechanical, electrical and plumbing plant. So we can do that. Also, just like in a framing plan, you know, you aren’t required for standard House plans to have a set of MEP drawings, but typically if you do get a mechanical engineer involved, they can make sure that you have proper flow rates throughout the home, that your heirs that this home is breathing properly in terms of how much of the earth turned over and that you don’t have issues with humidity in the future

Why You Should Hire Elevation Engineering & Design


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