Are you a cabin owner who recently received a letter requiring a change in occupancy to accommodate larger rental capacities?
Elevation Engineering, Sevier County’s Only Residential Structural Engineering Firm Can Help
Sevier County’s Only Residential Structural Engineering Firm
We are the first professional residential only firm in East Tennessee and since starting we have established ourselves as a one-stop-shop for all things residential. We have licensed professionals on staff to help homeowners, investors, contractors, and realtors alike navigate through the process of building and selling homes and overnight rentals in and around the Great Smoky Mountains. This may seem like a simple task but with the ever-changing rules and regulations of the local jurisdictions in addition to the governing building codes, it can become overwhelming very quickly – even for the most seasoned designers and builders. We are here to Make Complex Simple.
Elevation engineering design, we handle everything vertical when it comes to residential, we can do foundations, and framing plans, and we can even do custom architectural design. We have architects on staff, we have mechanical engineers on staff and so we can even do AC designs. We can do better wellness designs for all of your infrastructures. So pretty much anything vertical and if anything from the dirt up.
The structural engineers here at Elevation engineering are an asset, you can expect more from the end product, we know residential work. What we do is we look to see where we can save you some money, we first look where we can maybe remove some walls, remove some supports, and give you the big open concept that you are looking for. The open concept is huge in today’s modern design. We can go greater distances than what your contractor may think he or she can do or what a lot of span tables say that you can do.
A lot of people are scared when they hear engineers, they immediately think they’re not going to understand what these people are talking about or it’s going to get extremely expensive. But one thing that we do really well and a lot of people compliment us and come to us for this reason, we speak normal very well.
Engineering and design are overlooked by a lot of people. It and it’s something that can really make a huge difference in both time and cost when it comes to creating a successful plan to build your dream home. Commercial tends to be very grid like it’s very straightforward, with lots of charts, and lots of prescriptive design. But when you get to residential there’s a lot more custom design and it really takes somebody who knows how the structure is going to go together. We can save you a ton of time and a ton of money by looking at how it’s going to get built before you even move the first bit of dirt.
Elevation engineering does all the structural engineering and design work. I always say we do anything vertical that that has to do with residential. All the cities, Gatlinburg, Sevierville, Pigeon forge, etc. have very different requirements when it comes to getting permits for what they’re calling transient occupancies, which is the overnight rental market. The advantage of working with Elevation engineering is when you come to us, we’ve worked in this area long enough to know what each individual organization requires. Elevation engineering gives you what you need and only what you need in order to get permitted let’s discuss.
Why elevation? We speak human really well. We’re very, very good at making you comfortable with what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. And we also like to push our customers outside their comfort zone just a little bit. So we start to get you products that you maybe never thought possible or maybe you’ve seen on TV and didn’t even know what to ask for. But we’re very good at figuring out what you need and giving you exactly what you need when you need it.
Rebekah Meredith
Owner, Principal Engineer
Monica McKnight
Chief Operations Officer
We have established ourselves as a one-stop-shop for all residential and overnight rental projects in the Great Smoky Mountains, our goal is to Make Complex Simple.
318 Cherry St,
Sevierville, TN 37862